
Rabobank Dev Ops Engineer

Dev Ops Engineer



Dev Ops Engineer



Uren per week

36 uren per week


14.02.2023 - 30.12.2023




date-icon17.02.2023 clock-icon14:00
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Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken

Language : English and Dutch mandatory
ZZP Allowed : YES (only ZZP)

Hackerank is not required because there is no suitable Hackerank test for our area at this time. We are working on this. Preference is for someone with Rabobank experience preferably having worked on one of our models: RMM or RSME.

Voor deze aanvraag gelden specifieke voorwaarden, waaronder vooraf afspraken over het inwerken. Indien u niet bekend bent met deze voorwaarden, vragen wij u, alvorens aan te bieden op deze aanvraag, informatie in te winnen bij ons.

Job Description
As a BI Developer, you will be responsible for building and maintaining one of the largest data warehouses of the Rabobank, namely the Group Risk Finance Data Platform (GRFD). This data warehouse contains all financial and financial risk data of the entire Rabobank Group. The data warehouse will be expanded in the coming years due to the increasing amount of required reporting functions and increasing amount of data sources needed for reporting. The system is of strategic importance for the Rabobank for internal and external reporting purposes, especially reporting to regulators. 

Making a difference  
- working on a broad spectrum of challenges and solving complex puzzles;
- quickly changing gears from technical to functional aspects and then back again;
- working in a multinational team;
- working on the technical side of a massive data warehouse;
- guiding Scrum team colleagues on technical topics;
- and working within one of the most strategic programs within the Bank?

With each other
We work together at the Rabobank. GRFD is part of the delivery cluster Data Distribution which is part of the IT Systems Risk, Finance and Compliance domain. GRFD is part of a larger program which relies on the GRFD team members to build a future looking data logistic and reporting landscape for Risk & Finance. The program has as its goal to provide all Group financial and financial risk reports for internal and external customers, especially for regulators.

This data warehouse uses SAP HANA XSA as a database engine and Informatica applications, including PowerCenter for the ETL functionalities. The various architectural data layers are based on the DataVault technique and dimensional modelling, derived from a central group-wide logical data model. De new GRFD data logistics are being implemented to standardise and improve the quality of the various required reports and to be able to respond more quickly to internal requirements and those of the regulators.

BI Developer profiel (expert):
Kennis en ervaring:
- 5+ jaar ervaring als BI developer/ETL (Datawarehouse/Business Intelligence)
- Bewezen senior niveau inclusief referenties
- Ervaring met DataVault/dimensioneel data modeleren
- Werkervaring in de financiële sector en idealiter bankwezen en kredietrisico
- Pré: ervaring met (Rabobank) Hypotheken (RMM) en MKB (R-SME) modellen

Technische vaardigheden:
- Ruime ervaring met Informatica PowerCenter
- Ruime praktische ervaring als BI consultant/developer
- Ruime ervaring in ETL development werk
- Ruime ervaring met SQL
- Ruime ervaring met data integraties
- Ruime ervaring met CI/CD (pipelines)
- Ruime ervaring met DataVault/dimensioneel data modeleren
- Analytisch- en oplossingsvermogen
- Ervaring met GIT
- Ervaring met SAP Hana XSA en/of SAP PowerDesigner is wenselijk

Andere verwachte vaardigheden en eigenschappen:
- Beheersing van de Nederlandse taal in woord en schrift (sterke voorkeur)
- Beheersing van de Engelse taal in woord en schrift
- Ervaring met de Agile werkwijze en/of Simplify@Scale
- Creatief en innovatief
- Teamspeler
- Ervaring met het coachen van minder ervaren collega’s?


Bedrijfs gegevens


Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken

Language : English and Dutch mandatory
ZZP Allowed : YES (only ZZP)

Hackerank is not required because there is no suitable Hackerank test for our area at this time. We are working on this. Preference is for someone with Rabobank experience preferably having worked on one of our models: RMM or RSME.

Voor deze aanvraag gelden specifieke voorwaarden, waaronder vooraf afspraken over het inwerken. Indien u niet bekend bent met deze voorwaarden, vragen wij u, alvorens aan te bieden op deze aanvraag, informatie in te winnen bij ons.

Job Description
As a BI Developer, you will be responsible for building and maintaining one of the largest data warehouses of the Rabobank, namely the Group Risk Finance Data Platform (GRFD). This data warehouse contains all financial and financial risk data of the entire Rabobank Group. The data warehouse will be expanded in the coming years due to the increasing amount of required reporting functions and increasing amount of data sources needed for reporting. The system is of strategic importance for the Rabobank for internal and external reporting purposes, especially reporting to regulators. 

Making a difference  
- working on a broad spectrum of challenges and solving complex puzzles;
- quickly changing gears from technical to functional aspects and then back again;
- working in a multinational team;
- working on the technical side of a massive data warehouse;
- guiding Scrum team colleagues on technical topics;
- and working within one of the most strategic programs within the Bank?

With each other
We work together at the Rabobank. GRFD is part of the delivery cluster Data Distribution which is part of the IT Systems Risk, Finance and Compliance domain. GRFD is part of a larger program which relies on the GRFD team members to build a future looking data logistic and reporting landscape for Risk & Finance. The program has as its goal to provide all Group financial and financial risk reports for internal and external customers, especially for regulators.

This data warehouse uses SAP HANA XSA as a database engine and Informatica applications, including PowerCenter for the ETL functionalities. The various architectural data layers are based on the DataVault technique and dimensional modelling, derived from a central group-wide logical data model. De new GRFD data logistics are being implemented to standardise and improve the quality of the various required reports and to be able to respond more quickly to internal requirements and those of the regulators.

BI Developer profiel (expert):
Kennis en ervaring:
- 5+ jaar ervaring als BI developer/ETL (Datawarehouse/Business Intelligence)
- Bewezen senior niveau inclusief referenties
- Ervaring met DataVault/dimensioneel data modeleren
- Werkervaring in de financiële sector en idealiter bankwezen en kredietrisico
- Pré: ervaring met (Rabobank) Hypotheken (RMM) en MKB (R-SME) modellen

Technische vaardigheden:
- Ruime ervaring met Informatica PowerCenter
- Ruime praktische ervaring als BI consultant/developer
- Ruime ervaring in ETL development werk
- Ruime ervaring met SQL
- Ruime ervaring met data integraties
- Ruime ervaring met CI/CD (pipelines)
- Ruime ervaring met DataVault/dimensioneel data modeleren
- Analytisch- en oplossingsvermogen
- Ervaring met GIT
- Ervaring met SAP Hana XSA en/of SAP PowerDesigner is wenselijk

Andere verwachte vaardigheden en eigenschappen:
- Beheersing van de Nederlandse taal in woord en schrift (sterke voorkeur)
- Beheersing van de Engelse taal in woord en schrift
- Ervaring met de Agile werkwijze en/of Simplify@Scale
- Creatief en innovatief
- Teamspeler
- Ervaring met het coachen van minder ervaren collega’s?

De recruiter

Mandy Hoogland


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Voor deze opdracht dien je een bieding te plaatsen op Striive. Striive is het grootste opdrachtenplatform van de Benelux waar jaarlijks meer dan 20.000 opdrachten gepubliceerd worden.

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