Flowable EngineerLocatie
's-HertogenboschUren per week
40 uren per weekLooptijd
09.02.2025 - 29.06.2025Opdrachtnummer
Kandidaat moet Nederlands spreken!
What are you going to do?
At Enexis Groep, we bring energy where people need light and warmth. Our network is the energy infrastructure of tomorrow. We are pioneers in making the energy supply smarter, more sustainable and more efficient.
Enexis is transforming into an IT company. For example, more and more departments are using business processing modeling to automate their processes and workflows. Because of the performance advantage, at Enexis we chose to adopt the Flowable technology in a Node.js/JavaScript/TypeScript stack in an AWS context. Many solutions have already been successfully realized. Due to this success, the solution is growing in popularity which triggers an ever- growing need. We are now looking for additional experienced BPM engineers to strengthen our business teams.
You will be working a team within the young, rapidly growing chain "Asset Planning & Performance." This chain consists of 5 teams that work together in an agile (SAFe) way. Each team operates autonomously, a level of freedom that keeps the work enjoyable and the team remarkably agile. The atmosphere in the department is open and relaxed. Everyone has the opportunity to voice their ideas, keeping each other sharp. And this often comes with a healthy dose of humor.
What will you be doing?
KOROS (Keten Optimalisatie Ruimtelijke Ordening Systeem) is designed to improve overall efficiency and manageability within the Spatial Planning (SP) process. The ultimate goal is to provide a central tool that effectively manages and tracks all phases of the initiative stage from start to finish, optimizing both workflow and collaboration among various stakeholders.)
You will enhance the efficiency and manageability of the initiative stage in the SP process by developing a central tool that supports all stakeholders in their tasks and provides clear insight into project progress.
You will join one of our teams (in the APP chain) as an automation expert in a dynamic environment of product owners, architect and engineers in a Safe/agile context. You'll be coached by the BPM platform team, and you'll join one of the stream-aligned teams where you'll take the lead in defining and implementing new features or products, technical strategies, development standards, configurations – and ensuring overall team success. In your role, you are a DevOps professional and testing components or answering management questions is a daily occurrence for you, which you consider appropriate within a SAFe Agile organization.
What do we expect?
- You are an experienced hands-on business process automation (BPA) expert and you have a proven track record in implementing process orchestration solutions
- You can act as a subject-matter expert for BPA projects to initiate and drive projects.
- You are a team player, you are curious by nature and dare to ask colleagues about functional, technical and organizational issues you encounter. You come up with suggestions when you think things could be improved.
- You are fluent in at least one programming language.
- You have hands-experience in Flowable or similar BPM packages such as Camunda.
- You have extensive knowledge of several of the following technologies and expertise: TypeScript/JavaScript, Node.js, RESTful APIs, SOAP services, DocumentDB knowledge (e.g. MongoDB), HTML5, CSS3, CI/CD tooling, JIRA, GIT, Security, Dynamic Case Management and Data analytics.
- Experience in business process improvement or business process re-engineering projects and working closely with business and operations teams.
- Experience in DevOps.
Team and Culture
You will have the freedom to autonomously work on problems with your team of some 5 engineers that will translate the wishes of you Enexis value chain into smart solutions.
You will work closely with many different teams to create, navigate, improve and maintain complex process flows in varying modern environments.
Extra info:
- 50% kantoor, 50% thuis
- Project duurt naar verwachting 1,5 tot 2 jaar
Aanvullende informatie
Wanneer u bij ons als leverancier een professional aanbiedt en deze wordt geplaatst, hebben we informatie van u als contractpartij nodig, onder andere met betrekking tot de Wet keten- en inlenersaansprakelijkheid.
De ‘WKA’ heeft als doel om misbruik te voorkomen bij de afdracht van loonheffingen bij alle schakels in de keten; van leverancier tot opdrachtgever.
Wij dekken deze risico’s voor onze opdrachtgevers af middels een geblokkeerde rekening, de G-rekening.
Dit is een rekening waarop een gedeelte van het factuurbedrag wordt gestort en waarvan u de loonheffingen en BTW kunt betalen aan de Belastingdienst.
Het af te storten % hangt ervan af of u een SNA-certificering (NEN-4400-1 of NEN-4400-2) heeft of niet en of uw bedrijf in Nederland of daarbuiten is gevestigd. De G-rekening kunt u aanvragen bij de Belastingdienst.
Indien u geen G-rekening kunt krijgen (en u kunt hier bewijs van de Belastingdienst van overleggen) dan heeft u ook de mogelijkheid elk kwartaal een accountantsverklaring (assurance report inzake inlening personeel) aan te leveren.
Hierin zal een gecertificeerd accountant (AA of RA) een verklaring afgeven over de juistheid, volledigheid en tijdigheid van de afdrachten. Let wel, de kosten voor deze verklaring komen voor uw eigen rekening.
Kandidaat moet Nederlands spreken!
What are you going to do?
At Enexis Groep, we bring energy where people need light and warmth. Our network is the energy infrastructure of tomorrow. We are pioneers in making the energy supply smarter, more sustainable and more efficient.
Enexis is transforming into an IT company. For example, more and more departments are using business processing modeling to automate their processes and workflows. Because of the performance advantage, at Enexis we chose to adopt the Flowable technology in a Node.js/JavaScript/TypeScript stack in an AWS context. Many solutions have already been successfully realized. Due to this success, the solution is growing in popularity which triggers an ever- growing need. We are now looking for additional experienced BPM engineers to strengthen our business teams.
You will be working a team within the young, rapidly growing chain "Asset Planning & Performance." This chain consists of 5 teams that work together in an agile (SAFe) way. Each team operates autonomously, a level of freedom that keeps the work enjoyable and the team remarkably agile. The atmosphere in the department is open and relaxed. Everyone has the opportunity to voice their ideas, keeping each other sharp. And this often comes with a healthy dose of humor.
What will you be doing?
KOROS (Keten Optimalisatie Ruimtelijke Ordening Systeem) is designed to improve overall efficiency and manageability within the Spatial Planning (SP) process. The ultimate goal is to provide a central tool that effectively manages and tracks all phases of the initiative stage from start to finish, optimizing both workflow and collaboration among various stakeholders.)
You will enhance the efficiency and manageability of the initiative stage in the SP process by developing a central tool that supports all stakeholders in their tasks and provides clear insight into project progress.
You will join one of our teams (in the APP chain) as an automation expert in a dynamic environment of product owners, architect and engineers in a Safe/agile context. You'll be coached by the BPM platform team, and you'll join one of the stream-aligned teams where you'll take the lead in defining and implementing new features or products, technical strategies, development standards, configurations – and ensuring overall team success. In your role, you are a DevOps professional and testing components or answering management questions is a daily occurrence for you, which you consider appropriate within a SAFe Agile organization.
What do we expect?
- You are an experienced hands-on business process automation (BPA) expert and you have a proven track record in implementing process orchestration solutions
- You can act as a subject-matter expert for BPA projects to initiate and drive projects.
- You are a team player, you are curious by nature and dare to ask colleagues about functional, technical and organizational issues you encounter. You come up with suggestions when you think things could be improved.
- You are fluent in at least one programming language.
- You have hands-experience in Flowable or similar BPM packages such as Camunda.
- You have extensive knowledge of several of the following technologies and expertise: TypeScript/JavaScript, Node.js, RESTful APIs, SOAP services, DocumentDB knowledge (e.g. MongoDB), HTML5, CSS3, CI/CD tooling, JIRA, GIT, Security, Dynamic Case Management and Data analytics.
- Experience in business process improvement or business process re-engineering projects and working closely with business and operations teams.
- Experience in DevOps.
Team and Culture
You will have the freedom to autonomously work on problems with your team of some 5 engineers that will translate the wishes of you Enexis value chain into smart solutions.
You will work closely with many different teams to create, navigate, improve and maintain complex process flows in varying modern environments.
Extra info:
- 50% kantoor, 50% thuis
- Project duurt naar verwachting 1,5 tot 2 jaar
Aanvullende informatie
Wanneer u bij ons als leverancier een professional aanbiedt en deze wordt geplaatst, hebben we informatie van u als contractpartij nodig, onder andere met betrekking tot de Wet keten- en inlenersaansprakelijkheid.
De ‘WKA’ heeft als doel om misbruik te voorkomen bij de afdracht van loonheffingen bij alle schakels in de keten; van leverancier tot opdrachtgever.
Wij dekken deze risico’s voor onze opdrachtgevers af middels een geblokkeerde rekening, de G-rekening.
Dit is een rekening waarop een gedeelte van het factuurbedrag wordt gestort en waarvan u de loonheffingen en BTW kunt betalen aan de Belastingdienst.
Het af te storten % hangt ervan af of u een SNA-certificering (NEN-4400-1 of NEN-4400-2) heeft of niet en of uw bedrijf in Nederland of daarbuiten is gevestigd. De G-rekening kunt u aanvragen bij de Belastingdienst.
Indien u geen G-rekening kunt krijgen (en u kunt hier bewijs van de Belastingdienst van overleggen) dan heeft u ook de mogelijkheid elk kwartaal een accountantsverklaring (assurance report inzake inlening personeel) aan te leveren.
Hierin zal een gecertificeerd accountant (AA of RA) een verklaring afgeven over de juistheid, volledigheid en tijdigheid van de afdrachten. Let wel, de kosten voor deze verklaring komen voor uw eigen rekening.
Voor deze opdracht dien je een bieding te plaatsen op Striive. Striive is het grootste opdrachtenplatform van de Benelux waar jaarlijks meer dan 20.000 opdrachten gepubliceerd worden.